OBDF 210: Reverse Engineered Object (Progress 2)

Hello! Welcome back to my blog focusing on Object Design. This time I am diving into refining and re-measuring my selected object, and trying to figure out how to tackle this project. I have redrawn my blueprints for this design, thought about approaching it in a different way and done some more modelling to really get an idea of how to progress with this. 

Taking more measurements and approaching different angles really helped me contextualize some of these shapes and I hope will help translate to a more accurate 3d Render.

I have been having a really hard time with this piece specifically. Every time I think I have figured out the most important measurements it seems like another pops up.

Pretty happy with how I've mapped this other part at this point. Time to see how it translates into Rhino. 

Okay, updated sketches done in Rhino. I think it is definitely more workable now. To explain whats going on, I exploded all the surfaces and rejoined them in order to get a more functioning set of items. I also recapped the right arm, build 2 extra views of the form on the top right and then started working on 3d Rendering the arm. I created that U shape on the top right in order to use as a "canoe" guide along the bottom of the arm, using measurements I took for the thickness and I hope it will serve as a great guide going into this next step. 

*Still have to cut those pesky corners off*

figuring out some of the shapes, I messed around with converting the objects into meshes but that caused more problems than it solved, unfortunately. Luckily there is a handy tool called "meshtoNURB" that saved me.
Here are some test renders of how my object is looking so far. Pretty stoked on it but not happy with how the sweep has been going on my screw, it keeps creating the weirdest thing I've ever seen and I'm going to have to fix this in order to booleandifference some holes in parts of the object so that I can assemble and finally render it.

Thanks for checking out my progress and I hope to see you again for my first go at a complete Render! :) 
