OBDF 110 Project 1 - Objectified Response

In Gary Hustwit's Objectified, the question is asked - what will cars look like tomorrow? We live in the world of tomorrow in comparison to 2009 when this film was released. We no longer have the need for rudimentary mechanical vehicles and are now approaching a world in which we have long-lasting battery-powered vehicles whose capabilities and travel distances will far outpace what has been previously possible. I imagine that in the next twenty years, as the global housing crisis continues - people will need alternative methods for housing. There is already a large boom in social media "van lifers" (which is a sensation where people are retrofitting vans with home amenities and living in permanent road trip mode) and I think that this trend is not only going to start to flourish in the coming years but become a mainstream alternative solution to living in the property or traditional housing. For my project, I have designed what a car could look like if it was built for living purposes. The front canopy is enclosed in glass to mimic a porch, and the main living area is modelled after a traditional utility van.
